Choose the most convenient way to make a loan payment.
Transfer from your SMB account
Access your SMB Online and set up a recurring or one-time transfer from your SMB account.
Pay from a non-SMB account
Make a payment from a non-SMB account using your debit card or routing and account number. You can make a quick one-time payment or create an online account and set up recurring payments.
Credit Cards
Looking to make a payment to your SMB credit card? Pay your bill, set up card alerts, check your account, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I set up automatic payments?
Yes. If you have SMB Online, you can schedule future and recurring transfers from your checking or savings account to make your loan payment.
If you're paying from a non-SMB account, you can set up recurring payments using our loan payment portal.
Can I make an online payment from my account at another bank?
Yes. You can make a payment from a non-SMB account using your debit card or routing and account number. You can make a quick one-time payment or create an online account and set up recurring payments.
What if I forgot my login information to the loan payment portal?
Visit the portal and select Forgot username or password. Follow the steps to recover your payment account. If you have questions, please contact us at 800.943.8488.
Can I edit a scheduled payment in the loan payment portal?
If you have created a user account for the payment portal, log in and select the pencil icon under Scheduled Transactions to edit or delete a scheduled payment.
What if I want to pay from my SMB account, but do not have access to the loan in my SMB Online?
If you want to make a transfer in your SMB Online to pay your loan but do not see your loan, give us a call at 800.943.8488 to see if it can be added.
You can also make a payment through the loan payment portal using your debit card or routing and account number.